Crafting Content for Demand Generation Campaigns

In today’s rapid and evolving SaaS industry, demand generation is not just a buzzword; it’s an essential wheel that drives the eco-system of sustainable growth and product-market fit. With the surge of competition and ever-increasing expectations from tech-savvy customers, crafting top-notch content for demand generation campaigns becomes paramount for SaaS marketers seeking to cut through the noise.


Understanding Your Target Audience

Crafting Content for Demand Generation CampaignsResearching and Defining Your Ideal Customer Profile

Before diving into content creation, grasping the nuances of your target audience is critical. Tools like Google Analytics provide rich insights into your audience’s behavior, demographics, and online activities. It’s about creating a blueprint of your ideal customer profile and tailoring your strategies to meet their specifics. If you don’t have traffic yet, consider investing in industry research tools to help you start your journey or hiring a demand generation agency to help with competitor intelligence and strategy building.

Identifying Pain Points and Challenges

A successful demand generation campaign is rooted in a marketer’s ability to empathize – to identify and address the pain points and challenges that keep prospects up at night. This requires meticulous research and active listening on various platforms where industry conversations occur. You can get a head-start on this by looking at competitors in the industry, or reviewing others in industries with similar or overlapping markets.


Creating Compelling Content

Developing a Content Strategy Aligned with Demand Generation Goals

SaaS marketers should develop a content strategy that works as a guide towards achieving measurable outcomes. This process involves strategic planning, setting clear objectives, and aligning content with the stages of the buyer journey.

Types of Content that Resonate with SaaS Prospects

SaaS buyers juggle numerous plates; they need content that is actionable, data-driven, and rich with insights. From in-depth guides and case studies to interactive webinars and infographics, the content type should not only resonate with them but also compel them to take action. Sometimes showing is better then telling, as they say.

Incorporating Storytelling and Emotional Appeals

While data and outcome reigns supreme, storytelling and emotional appeals can facilitate deeper connections with your audience. Incorporating customer success stories or portraying how your solution fits into the larger industry picture can elevate your content from informational to inspirational.


Social Media Content For Demand Generation

Here is an overview of some of the social media content mediums to consider reviewing to see if they are the right fit to reach your audience.

Content TypeDescription
Short-form VideoEngaging, shareable content under a minute, ideal for quick, entertaining information.
ImagesVisually striking and instantly absorbing content that creates a quick brand impression.
Live VideoReal-time engagement through broadcasts like webinars or Q&As, building community and interaction.
GIFs/MemesShareable, relatable content that adds humor and personality to brand messaging.
Text-based PostsEssential for showcasing brand personality and engaging in meaningful conversations.
User-Generated ContentAuthentic content from fans or consumers, providing social proof and increasing trust.
Long-form VideoDetailed, informative content for in-depth exploration of topics, building authority and relationship with audience.
AudioPodcasts and voice recordings offering informative content in a more personal and accessible format.
URL/Links to Other ContentDirecting traffic to detailed content on websites or blogs, extending user engagement with the brand.


Content Mediums That Work Great for B2B

Here is an overview of some of the content mediums that work great for targeting B2B buyers.

Content TypeDescription
Long-form InformationalComprehensive, in-depth articles providing extensive insights on specific topics.
How-to GuidesStep-by-step instructions and tutorials offering practical advice and solutions.
ListiclesEngaging, easy-to-read content formatted as lists, ideal for quick consumption and clarity.
Case StudiesReal-world examples showcasing the success stories and practical applications of products or services.
Thought LeadershipExpert opinions, insights, and forward-thinking perspectives in a particular industry or niche.
InterviewsConversations with industry experts or influencers providing unique insights and expert knowledge.
Product ReviewsDetailed evaluations and comparisons of products, offering valuable information to potential buyers.
InfographicsVisually appealing content combining data and design, ideal for simplifying complex information.
News and TrendsTimely updates and analysis of current happenings and trends in the industry.
Guest PostsArticles written by guest authors, offering diverse perspectives and fresh content to the audience.


Optimizing for SEO

Keyword Research and Optimization

Employ tools like SEMRush for comprehensive keyword research, competitor analysis, and SEO optimizations. Understand the keywords your target audience is searching for and weave them seamlessly into your content.

Creating High-Quality, Relevant Content

The cornerstone of SEO is not just peppering content with keywords, but also ensuring it’s of high quality, and relevant. Google favors content that provides value, answers questions, and satisfies search intent.

Utilizing Meta Tags and Headings

Meta tags and headings greatly influence click-through rates and readability. They are signposts that tell search engines and readers what your content is about, making their proper use a crucial SEO factor.

Leveraging Different Channels

Blogging and Guest Posting

Blogging is the bedrock for many demand generation content strategies, enabling you to grow organic traffic and establish thought leadership. Guest posting expands your reach and authority by introducing your content to new audiences.

Social Media Promotion

Social media platforms are invaluable for promoting content and engaging directly with your audience. Your social strategy should be as nuanced and targeted as your content, building interest and interaction around your brand.

Email Marketing

Email marketing remains a nonpareil channel for demand generation. It allows for direct communication with your prospect and enhances nurturing tactics through personalized content delivery.

Measuring and Analyzing Results

Setting Measurable Goals for Demand Generation Campaigns

Frame your content efforts around SMART goals to quantify success. Whether it’s lead generation, conversion rates, or engagement metrics, measurable goals pave the way for sustainable growth.

Tracking and Analyzing Key Metrics

Leverage analytics platforms to measure key performance indicators. Understand what metrics align with your business objectives, then monitor and huddle around these numbers.

Making Data-Driven Improvements

Based on your findings, iterate and improve your content approach. Remember, successful demand generation is a continuous cycle of measuring, learning, and optimizing.


Crafting content for demand generation is both an art and a science that involves a deep understanding of your audience, strategic planning, and persistent testing and improvement. For SaaS marketers looking to thrive in a competitive landscape, it’s about striking the right balance between creativity and analysis, intuition and data, differentiation and conformity.

Embrace a culture of experimentation, stay attuned to industry shifts, and embed your strategies with a mix of traditional wisdom and modern innovations. As you continue to fine-tune your demand generation campaigns, the end goal remains steadfast: to generate demand that not only fills the funnel but matures into a base of loyal advocates for your SaaS offering.


3 Tips to Remember

  • Always be Experimenting: Regularly A/B test your content and strategies to find the blueprint that best resonates with your audience.
  • Embrace the Fluidity of Digital Trends: Stay agile and willing to pivot as new trends and technologies influence the way we consume content.
  • Engage with Your Community: Building a community around your brand is just as important as attracting new prospects. Interact genuinely and frequently to keep your community thriving.
Picture of Michael Bergen

Michael Bergen

Co-Founder & VP of Demand Generation at Riverbed Marketing I'm a passionate tech enthusiast that loves the outdoors. I'm a data-driven demand generation marketer with over 10 years experience with inbound & demand marketing strategy.